Saturday, April 29, 2006

Arthur's Pass 18th Feb 2006

I went on my first ever tramping trip in February with Andrew and Rori (it was her birthday actually) in Arthur's Pass. It was just a day trip, no need for camping or any of that sort of carry on. We started by trying the Avalanche peak trail, which is a 5/6 hour round trip that's recommended for only pretty fit people. No surprise then when I was gasping and wheezing after about half an hour. I still maintain that it was less a walk and more a climb ... see.....
Still though, even though we had to turn back, we had gotten high enough to get some nice pictures.

After lunch at Klondike Corner, we tried an easier trail and the view from there was just spectalular. The picture below is a stitch of five photos taken and it's still not big enough to give a sense of the wide open space that lay before us.

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