Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Finally - some pictures!

Well I’ve finally gotten around to putting some pictures from the past few weeks up here. This first lot is from the weekend that Trish came to visit me. She arrived on the Saturday and we went out for a lovely yummy dinner and then we hit the town with some friends of mine from work. Then Sunday we went to New Brighton for a surf. The weather was just gorgeous so we had a really great day for it. Then on Monday we went for a drive over Banks Peninsula to Akaroa. So the pictures here are from that trip.
As we approached Akaroa, the brakes in my car started making some fairly ominous noises, so I stopped at a garage where I was told I would have to get my brakes pads replaced… grrr. So he temporarily fixed the problem and when I got back to Christchurch I took it to a local garage where, as it turned out, I had to get the discs replaced too. Ah well, I’m probably better off in a sort of health and safety sense with new brakes, because I’m certainly not better off in a Financial sense…
So anyway, here are the pictures. As usual, I feel like I haven’t done any justice to the scenery, but I hope they give a good idea of how pretty this country is.
These first few were taken in Akaroa which is this oddly French wee town on Banks Peninsula. The street names are in French and everything.

The rest are from the drive over the hills to Akaroa


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