Friday, August 12, 2005

Napa (or Crapa Napa)

Our last stop on our week-long tour of California was the wine country of Napa Valley. The further up the valley you go, the more expensive accommodation becomes, so we stayed in Napa at the South end of the valley. There's a reason it's cheaper

It's Shite

So the following day we made our way to Calistoga where we saw one of the Old Faithful geysers. On average, the geyser errupts every 40 minutes throughout the year. Spewing boiling water and steam two hundred feet into the air.

Then we went to see a petriefied forest. This is where a forest was knocked down by lava flowing from a volcano. Over the millenia, the trees turned to silicone through a process of petrification. What you see in this picture looks like wood, has the texture of wood, even has growth rings and once upon a time it was wood, but now it's stoneThe following day was our last day with the car, so here's a photo of the Chevy Malibu that was my baby for a week, outside our motel in Crapa Napa


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