Friday, July 29, 2005

Update on the upcoming update

The update is coming soon... I promise!! There was supposed to be free internet access in our hostel in San Francisco, but it hasn't been working since our second day here, so I've only been able to check e-mail in internet cafes and the like. But as soon as I can get a chance, I'll be posting pictures from the beach party in Mayo as well as my pictures from California. Sorry I couldn't get around to it sooner :(

Friday, July 08, 2005


I'm completely mad about my fab nephew Thomas. He turned two in March and he's just the most fun and the best little boy EVER (Through space AND time), but I might just be a tiny bit biased. So anyway, I just wanted to share some photoes of Thomas with you all :)

Last night in Limerick

The day before I left Limerick I was lucky enough to pass my driving test, so, of course, that called for a few celebratory drinkie-poos in the Hurlers. A good night was had by all (or so they told me) and I was accused of totally ripping the arse out of the whole going away thing (in fairness, that was kinda true!). So here's some pictures of us enjoying the summer evening outside with the traffic on the main Dublin-Limerick road roaring past.....

Choir night out

MUCH more fun than it sounds, me and the girlies from Louisburgh choir went out for dinner on Saturday night the 2nd of July. We were missing Caroline and Marie P, but bravely taking their places were honorary choir members, Clair and Diane. We had dinner in Il Vulcano in Westport, then on to Oscars for some dancing. Here are a few photos from the night. In the main group picture, the people are, from bottom left and going clockwise, Sandra, Marian, Patricia, Mary Rose, Mairead, Clair, Mairead and Diane